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10 Apps Like Yuka – Alternative Food & Cosmetic Scanner Apps

Yuka has become one of the most popular food scanning and nutrition apps, with millions of users across the globe. Its easy barcode scanning and detailed nutritional ratings have made Yuka a go-to app for people wanting to analyze packaged foods and make healthier choices.

However, Yuka is not the only app out there helping people get better insight into the nutritional value of food products. Several alternatives to Yuka exist, each with their own unique features and databases. When choosing a Yuka alternative, some key factors to consider are:

  • Database size – The app should have an extensive database of food products to provide ratings and information on. Apps like MyFitnessPal and Fooducate have databases of over a million products.
  • Rating system – A robust, unbiased formula to rate food products is essential. Most apps use some combination of nutrients, ingredients and additives to calculate ratings. Some apps also allow customizing the rating criteria.
  • Extra features – Additional features like allergen alerts, dietary preferences (vegan, keto etc), food logging and recipe analysis help users make well-informed food choices.
  • Price – While most food scanning apps are free to use, some offer premium features and subscriptions for extra costs. The paid upgrades are optional.

Some of the top alternative food scanner and nutrition apps similar to Yuka include MyFitnessPal, Fooducate, MyNetDiary, Noom and Lifesum among others. While Yuka scores products only, apps like Fooducate also provide guidance on picking better alternatives in a category. Most apps are available on both Android and iOS platforms.

Testing out a few apps to compare the database, scanning and rating functionality can help choose the right Yuka alternative tailored to individual needs and preferences. Taking the time to understand what each app offers beyond just scanning and ratings leads to a well-informed decision.

Apps Like Yuka – Best Alternative and Similar Apps

Here is a list of the 10 apps we reviewed that are similar to Yuka:

  1. Open Food Facts
  2. Fooducate
  3. Food-E
  4. Open Beauty Facts
  5. Food Ingredients Scanner
  6. OnTheGo
  7. Foodvisor
  8. MyRealFood
  9. INCI Beauty
  10. OnSkin

1. Open Food Facts

Open Food Facts is a free and open source food scanning app that provides an extensive database of over 1.3 million barcode-scannable products to analyze and compare.

As an open source app, the product database of Open Food Facts is contributed by users and food experts around the world. Anyone can add new products along with images, ingredients lists, nutrition facts, allergens and other food information to enrich the database. The collaborative crowdsourced model allows continuous growth of the product catalogue.

One of the key features that makes Open Food Facts similar to Yuka is its rating system that evaluates the nutritional quality of foods. The app uses the Nutri-Score algorithm to grade products on a scale from A to E based on factors like calories, saturated fats, sugars, proteins, fiber and more. Higher grades indicate healthier products.

Additionally, Open Food Facts classifies all packaged foods into one of the four NOVA groups indicating the level of food processing. From unprocessed or minimally processed foods in Group 1 to heavily processed and additive-laden ultra-processed foods in Group 4, this helps consumers identify and limit highly processed food intake.

By scanning barcodes on food packaging, you can instantly retrieve these easy-to-understand nutritional grades and processing categories on Open Food Facts. Additional data like eco-scores, carbon footprint values, organic/fair trade certifications further aids consumers make healthy and sustainable food choices.

The app also has advanced filtering and comparison features to personalize your search and selections. As an open platform built for public good by a non-profit, Open Food Facts offers transparency into food products minus any commercial interests or bias.

2. Fooducate

Fooducate is a popular calorie, nutrition and diet tracking app that empowers you to eat healthier and lose weight. With a database of over 350,000 barcode-scannable products, it is an excellent nutritional analysis tool.

To use Fooducate, simply scan the barcode on any food product label using your smartphone camera. The app will instantly pull up detailed information on calories, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, protein and more.

This nutritional profile helps you count calories and keep track of your daily food intake. You can log meals and get a breakdown of nutrients consumed. The app syncs with fitness trackers and can recommend personalized daily calorie goals based on your height, weight, activity levels and weight loss aims.

Beyond just calories and macronutrients, Fooducate also highlights the quality of ingredients, presence of additives, artificial sweeteners, food coloring, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, GMOs and common allergens like gluten, dairy etc.

The app provides an easy A to F nutritional grade for every product, with guidance to pick healthier alternatives. You can further customize grading based on your age, gender, health goals, medical conditions like diabetes, PCOS, etc. This tailored advice and analysis helps you make optimal meal choices.

By combining calorie tracking with science-based insights on food quality, Fooducate provides robust nutrition advice to help you eat better, lose weight and improve health.

3. Food-E

Food-E is an open source mobile app dedicated to detecting and analyzing food additives present in processed and packaged foods. With its comprehensive additive scanning features, Food-E provides an easy way to understand unfamiliar E-numbers and chemical names listed on ingredient labels.

The app has an extensive database of over 350 commonly used food additives identified by their E-numbers or chemical names. By simply scanning the barcode on any packaged food item, you can instantly retrieve information on all the additives it contains.

For each additive, Food-E provides details like the standard names and synonyms, functions (emulsifier, stabilizer, color etc.), possible health effects, safety guidance limits, dietary restrictions (vegan, halal etc.) and more. This helps you make informed choices to avoid certain harsh additives like MSG, artificial colors, sodium nitrite etc. based on health factors.

Beyond decoding additive-laden ingredient lists, Food-E also grades products on a simple traffic light system based on their overall additive content. You can quickly identify items labeled red to limit intake of highly processed foods overloaded with additives.

As an open source platform, Food-E invites user contributions to expand its additive database. With its comprehensive insights and easy scanning ability, Food-E is an indispensable app for anyone wanting to reduce their exposure to risky food additives.

4. Open Beauty Facts

The Open Beauty Facts is a cosmetics database app that provides in-depth information on ingredients, formulations, certifications and other details of beauty and personal care products worldwide.

With its huge catalogue of over 150,000 skincare, haircare, makeup and other cosmetic items, Open Beauty Facts allows you to deeply analyze product composition by simply scanning a barcode.

The app retrieves and displays valuable information like the complete INCI ingredients list, product origin, manufacturer details, certifications like organic, vegan, cruelty-free etc, packaging types, product sizes and more. This radical transparency provided by Open Beauty Facts helps you make safe, ethical cosmetic choices.

As a collaborative open data platform, anyone can contribute to expanding the Open Beauty Facts database. Users can submit photos of products, upload ingredients and label information, provide images of certifications, flag issues and more. This crowdsourcing model enables continuous growth of the database.

You can also personalize your cosmetics searches on Open Beauty Facts using filters for parameters like skin concerns, hair goals, diet preferences, allergens and fragrances to avoid. With its comprehensive product information and customization ability, Open Beauty Facts is invaluable for conscious consumers seeking healthier, greener beauty products.

5. Food Ingredients Scanner

Food Ingredients Scanner is an app dedicated to helping people avoid specific ingredients, additives or allergens when shopping for packaged foods. Its advanced scanning and filtering features make it easy to identify products that align with your dietary needs and restrictions.

The app has an extensive built-in database of hundreds of common food allergens, intolerances like gluten, lactose etc., ingredients like artificial sweeteners, flavors, preservatives as well as custom diets like vegan, paleo and religious diets. You can simply select the items you want to avoid from these lists.

Alternatively, you can create your own customized list of ingredients, additives, foods or chemicals to scan and filter for. You can input the exact names or keywords to build your own ultimate food avoidance list.

Then simply scan a barcode of any food product, and Food Ingredients Scanner will screen the label ingredients list to detect the presence of your avoided items. With its advanced optical character recognition technology, the matching is highly accurate.

The app also suggests safer alternative products that do not contain your filtered ingredients. Over time, it learns your preferences to provide personalized recommendations. With Food Ingredients Scanner, you get peace of mind that the foods you choose align with your needs and priorities.

6. OnTheGo

OnTheGo is a must-have app for finding healthier fast food options that align with your dietary needs, preferences and goals. With its extensive database of menu items from major fast food chains, OnTheGo makes it easy to determine the best choices.

You can set filters to customize your search by nutrient parameters like calories, total fat, carbs, protein, sodium, cholesterol, saturated fat and sugar. Just enter your desired limits for each, and OnTheGo will display only matching menu items from places nearby.

The app also lets you filter by specific diet plans like keto, paleo, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, low-FODMAP, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and more. This makes it easy to find diet-compliant meals and snacks on-the-go.

In addition to filters, you can browse and compare the complete nutrition facts and ingredients list of menu items from different restaurants before selecting what to eat.

With its advanced customization and detailed nutritional data, OnTheGo takes the guesswork out of ordering healthier fast food for your individual nutrition goals and dietary needs, whatever they may be.

7. Foodvisor

Foodvisor is an innovative nutrition app that harnesses advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to deliver detailed food and calorie analysis from just a smartphone photo. Unlike traditional calorie counters that require manual logging, Foodvisor’s food image recognition capability provides a convenient way to track your intake.

Simply snap a picture of your meal, and within seconds Foodvisor detects the foods on your plate and estimates calories, macronutrients, serving sizes and nutrition quality. The AI algorithm can identify over 3,000 different food items from grocery products to restaurant dishes, and even provide brand names of items. Foodvisor draws insights from a continually evolving database of over 20,000 foods.

The app provides you with a comprehensive nutrition report of your meal including calories, protein, carbs, fat, fiber, added sugar and more. You also get a letter grade rating from A to F indicating the overall nutritional balance. Foodvisor explains what makes the meal healthy or unhealthy to help you make better choices.

Over time, the app learns your personalized eating habits and preferences to provide tailored nutrition advice and recommendations. You can set goals, log meals, track nutrients, visualize patterns, connect with professionals and more.

Foodvisor aims to simplify nutrition tracking by eliminating manual look-ups and calculations. With its innovative image recognition technology, easy-to-understand reports, and customized guidance, Foodvisor brings effortless, informed eating to your fingertips.

8. MyRealFood

MyRealFood simplifies identifying real, minimally processed foods. This app lets you scan product barcodes to instantly see if they are real food, moderately processed, or ultra-processed. Green means real food. Yellow signals better processed options. Red flags heavily processed products to limit.

Specifically, you can scan packaged grocery items. The app will retrieve Nova group classifications. Nova groups indicate processing levels. Group 1 is unprocessed, Group 2 is basic processing like freezing or fermenting. Group 3 is further processed with additives, Group 4 is ultra-processed foods.

Additionally, MyRealFood explains the processing methods used. This provides transparency into production. Reasons for each Nova group allocation are clear. You gain awareness of manufacturing processes.

Furthermore, MyRealFood suggests healthy recipes. These recipes use real, green-rated ingredients. The app offers meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. You can browse recipes by criteria like calories, time, cuisines. Cooking real food at home becomes simpler.

To summarize this app, MyRealFood simplifies eating real food daily. It identifies highly processed products to avoid through easy barcode scans. The app steers you towards real food grocery options. It also provides real food recipes to cook yourself. This improves nutrition, health and wellbeing.

9. INCI Beauty

INCI Beauty decodes cosmetic ingredients. It analyzes product safety, health impact, and eco-friendliness. This app empowers you to make informed skincare and makeup choices.

Specifically, it scans cosmetic product labels. It generates ingredient reports. You get the full INCI list, origins, functions, and effects. Potential issues are flagged. Hazard ratings assess toxicity. Impact on health and environment is clear.

Additionally, INCI Beauty scores products. It uses an algorithm to rate safety. Ingredients, formulas, and transparency are evaluated. You get simple scores from 1 to 10. Higher scores indicate healthier, greener products. Understand risks and impacts easily.

Furthermore, you can customize the app. Build your own cosmetic preferences and needs profile. Rate ingredients you want to avoid. State skin type, concerns, allergies. Get recommendations tailored for you. Discover better alternatives for your needs.

Additionally, INCI Beauty decodes ingredient labels. It highlights potential harms of chemical cosmetics. You can scan products for safety scores. Learn impacts on you and the planet. Build your ideal cosmetic profile. Find ideal products for your unique needs. Make empowered, conscious beauty choices.

10. OnSkin

OnSkin personalizes cosmetic recommendations. It matches products to your unique skin. This app analyzes ingredients, safety, and effects. It suggests optimal items for your skin’s needs.

Specifically, OnSkin asks you to input your profile. State your skin type, concerns, allergies, and sensitivities. List ingredients to avoid. Input your skincare goals.

Then, scan product labels. OnSkin checks the formula against your profile. It screens for suitable ingredients. Potential irritants or allergens are flagged. Benefits for your skin are highlighted. Drawbacks are also noted.

Additionally, you get a compatibility score. OnSkin algorithm rates suitability from 0 to 100%. Higher scores mean the product aligns better with your skin. Understand which products work for you. Avoid products that may cause issues.

Furthermore, discover new products. OnSkin suggests better alternatives. It recommends items with ingredients that nourish your skin type. Advice adapts as your skin changes. Get products right for your current skin needs.

Moreover, the app educates you. Learn which ingredients target needs like acne, aging, dryness, etc. Know which components to avoid and why. Become an expert on your own skin.

However, OnSkin matches products to your unique skin profile. It analyzes ingredients and suitability. You get compatible recommendations to try. Avoid products that may irritate or worsen skin conditions. Discover items that deliver real results. Understand your skin’s needs better.


Yuka has undoubtedly made its mark as a pioneering food scanning app that provides easy nutritional insights to guide healthier choices. However, as we have seen, Yuka is far from the only option for people seeking to analyze the foods and products they use.

A range of apps now exist that go beyond just scanning for nutrition facts. Specialized apps let you dive deep into ingredients, additives, processing methods, allergens, environmental impact and more. Each app has unique strengths: Fooducate offers personalized diet advice; Food-E decodes baffling E-Numbers; Open Beauty Facts reveals the eco-credentials of cosmetics; OnSkin matches products to your skin needs.

While Yuka scores products, other apps also provide specific guidance on better alternatives. Some apps use crowdsourcing to continuously expand their databases. And diet-based apps like OnTheGo simplify eating out with specialized filters and recommendations.

The key is to determine what factors are most important for your personal needs – be it calorie counting, avoiding additives or finding vegan options. Testing a few targeted apps can reveal the right fit. Opting for an app aligned to individual priorities and preferences leads to optimal outcomes for health, ethics and sustainability.

With their combination of convenience, depth and personalization, food scanner apps open up a world of transparency. As the options continue multiplying, conscious consumers have an unprecedented ability to analyze products and make the smartest choices possible.


Is there an app like Yuka for cleaning products?

Yes, there are a few apps that provide ratings and analysis of cleaning products like Yuka does for foods. Examples include Think Dirty, Clearya, and Clean Swipe. These apps allow you to scan barcodes to get safety ratings of ingredients, understand health and environmental impacts, and find better alternative cleaners.

Is EWG or Yuka better?

EWG (Environmental Working Group) and Yuka both offer ways to analyze products, but they have some differences:
EWG provides research-based ratings and information on foods, cosmetics, cleaners across websites/apps. Yuka focuses just on rating foods through its mobile app.
EWG uses an extensive methodology considering multiple factors like nutrients, ingredients, contaminants, pesticides. Yuka mainly looks at nutrients, additives, processing.
EWG is a non-profit organization while Yuka is a private company.
EWG provides more detailed reports and allows customizing ratings. Yuka offers a simpler score.
So EWG provides a more rigorous and customizable analysis, but Yuka is more convenient for quick food scans. EWG is likely the better choice for in-depth product research.

What is the alternative website to Yuka?

Some alternative websites to Yuka for analyzing food products are:
FoodFacts.com – Large database of nutrition facts and ingredients
OpenFoodFacts.org – Crowdsourced food product information
GoodGuide.com – Research-backed ratings of food, personal care and household products
EWG Food Scores – Environmental Working Group’s food ratings system

Is Yuka app trustworthy?

Yuka uses established nutrient data and their proprietary formula to rate products, so their core food scores can be considered reliable. However, some aspects like certain additive scores have been questioned. Being aware of potential bias is important. Cross-checking Yuka data against other sources provides a more balanced perspective. Overall, Yuka provides a helpful starting point but shouldn’t be the only resource relied upon when making food choices.


  • Dave James

    Dave has been gaming since the days of Zaxxon and Lady Bug on the Colecovision, and code books for the Commodore Vic 20 (Death Race 2000!). He built his first gaming PC at the tender age of 16, and finally finished bug-fixing the Cyrix-based system around a year later. When he dropped it out of the window. He first started writing for Official PlayStation Magazine and Xbox World many decades ago, then moved onto PC Format full-time, then PC Gamer, TechRadar, and T3 among others. Now he's back, writing about the nightmarish graphics card market, CPUs with more cores than sense, gaming laptops hotter than the sun, and SSDs more capacious than a Cybertruck.

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