Workstation has become a larger capacity for a single user to work on multiple tasks. They often need more graphical power, a processor and a good quality monitor. Whereas the batter station needs to have more than one monitor, a good keyboard and office mouse as well as a powerhouse of a GPU.
Workstation Graphics Cards Vs Gaming Graphics Cards
The difference in both rigs is that one can do machine learning, 2D and 3D modeling while gamers look for maximizing graphics performance. Although the former does not need to have a high end GPU, it does need a backhand support to run things smoothly.
When talking about gaming setups, GPU is indeed an important component to look upto. The differences between a workstation GPU and gaming one are often debated. A common belief is that they should be used for different purposes, but the reality may surprise you!
For example: while it is true that graphics processing units (GPUs) were originally created to process images in 3D environments on screens with less power demands than desktop computers have had until now; today’s games can take advantage of more sophisticated features found within many modern video cards.
This includes higher resolutions alongside wide color gamut support which allows them to produce beautiful graphics at much lower frame rates. When running through a monitor instead having to rely so heavily upon processor speed alone. This isn’t just something that was common when GPUs were invented.
Of course GPUs work in collaboration with response times of gaming monitors, they are programmed to work at much lower speeds with workstations for 3D models. On the other hand, gamers will want higher and maximum clock speeds. So the debate is useless if you are comparing the 2 systems based on the selection of GPU since they are clear differences.
A typical PC will have both installed, but they do different things so you need to know which one was intended for what function! To understand this scenario, let us break down both GPUs separately and then look at their similarities.
Workstation GPU intro:
Technology has been developed a long time in recent years and so do workstations as well. There is no judgement that some users want to install high end components in their workstations to take full advantage of graphics technology. Even if the cost of a workstation GPU can be 4 times the actual price of a typical best graphics card, no one can stop them.
This is understandable to do so because there are other features embedded rather than just the price. Software like CAD require workstation graphics cards that can turn complex geometry into simplistic and understandable triangles.
You have to deal with real world geometry as engineers are needed to create the drafts of bridges, skyscrapers or jets etc. These calculations can be performed through the workstation graphics cards. They are programmed to deliver 5 times faster performance and 8 times accurate computational simulation for data integrity.
You get to enjoy a broad spectrum of designs and animations through several software applications. The price on the other hand can vary upon the workstation requirements and GPU version and can range up to 150 to 5000 pounds.
The video cards used in your workstation are more focused on stability efficiency rather than outright performance factor. Running the card on its 100% potential for several days is one of the reasons for such agility.
Having GPU accelerated scientific applications and calculations as well as 3D rendering and 3D modelling require this much stable usage from a GPU.
If this hardware is falsely placed into your workstation, it can result in board component failure, data or technical errors. Your GPU in the workstation board is made for higher grades than desktops.
GPU manufacturers work closely with pro program developers so that maximum stability can be provided to the users. This way, they can manage to get the software and drivers to work in an optimized way.
Programs like Maya or 3Ds Max represent big investment opportunities for GPU makers.
Gaming Graphics Card intro:
Games usually have low polygon count and predefined geometry as compared to workstations. There are on screen effects that need the graphical power of a game card to come into action. While gamers usually have a list of priorities as in features that they want to see during gaming from their selective GPU.
The factors include high quality visuals and better frame rate so that they can load fast. This is the reason gaming stations have low polygon count in the first place. You can tweak the settings of these features via game mode options as well. The cost of these cards can range from 40 to 600 pounds on an average.
Keeping in mind the firmware that controls the card, if speed is important to you for gaming, your card will shut down rendering, shading or textures to keep the overall frame rate high. A workstation card will fulfill the textures and rendering options for better accuracy even if it has delays or variation in timing.
Usually all the graphics cards have their own architecture, memory and other points. So gaming cards are better at catching geometry instead of shunting lines around like a workstation card does.
Major differences:
They are required to operate at lower temperature and more stability like usual cards do. But the difference is, a typical gamer will not even notice minor graphical glitches during gaming while this deviation can disrupt the function of pro level applications. The user can result in project delays that will give them huge loss in productivity and cost that is put into the project on the whole.
There is an increase in color depth so that more colors can be seen at a time. Another major clash that is noticeable is more precision for graphical calculations is something the desktop GPUs do not put their focus on. The feature of more video cards and screens, typically known as frame lock and Gen lock, can be synchronized. This can be beneficial for both workstation and gaming GPUs.
So the question of comparison of both these cards can occur a bit silly to some users as they are not defining their purpose specifically upon 3D rendering, the cost is a huge amount of difference in itself.
You can also say that workstation cards are more directed towards OpenGl features whereas the gaming card is DirectX supported. The former is more tested upon modelling applications thoroughly and they contain drivers optimization with technical support. On the other hand, Service cards are not tested this way and do not contain any driver optimization or technical support.
If you look more deeply into this comparison, there are subtle differences of ECC memory but the main element is compatibility with your purpose and station.
For applications like SolidWorks, a gaming graphic card is not supported well with it. You can experience lagging and pixelation during your work. Another series known as the Nvidia Quadro supports windowed rendering for more than one but the GeForce does not.
If you want to get good graphics for your model, it is up to you to choose the best for your work as both types of cards are running on almost all the common cores these days. Getting a gaming graphics card for rendering in AutoCAD will result in a system crash due to an error. This is usually not noticeable in a gaming setup where a white pixel flashes on 1 frame out of 60.
Not scaring you out but the major thing that differentiates both the cards for an avid user is the cost. You might not need a workstation card unless your purpose is career or job related. So you can save those extra Dollars and get a gaming GPU if you want higher graphic content and speed.